CLCF Nature Series – Conservation in a Changing World: Monarch Butterflies
Posted in Categories Activities & Events
Thursday, September 14. 2023
Thank you to everyone who attended the Cedar Lakes Conservation Foundation’s (CLCF) last Nature Series event of 2023. CLCF is incredibly grateful for West Bend Mutual Insurance Company for supporting the Series.
The event was a great success! Dr. Karen Obserhauser, Professor of Entomology and Director of the UW Arboretum provided incredible insight on the biology and conservation efforts of Monarch Butterflies. We learned about the migration and reproduction styles of Monarchs, as well as the research that Dr. Oberhauser and her students at UW Madison.
Together we can make a difference in the protection of Monarch Butterflies by providing or creating habitat, spreading the word and mitigating climate change. A great way to start is by planting native milkweed in your yard.
Thank you to Dr. Karen Oberhauser for enlightening us on these magnificent creatures, as well as those who volunteered their time to help set-up the event! We would also like to thank the West Bend Country Club for allowing us to host the event!
For more photos and updates on upcoming CLCF events, please visit our Facebook or Instagram.