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Stew Crew

July 25, 2024 | 9:00 am 11:00 am

Stew Crew will be removing Wild Parsnip seedheads in the Mueller Prairie again this year. Many of you have probably noticed the tall yellow blooms of parsnip along roadsides for a few weeks now, and there is still time to cut off the flowerheads. This workday will consist of cutting and bagging the seedheads before they can release seeds into the soil for next year. We’d love to see you there!

When & Where: Thursday, July 25 from 9-11 AM. Park along the prairie side of Mueller Ln- if you plug it into a GPS, it is across from 4831 Mueller Ln, West Bend, WI 53095. Please be mindful when parking not to block anyone’s driveway.

Bring: long sleeved shirt and gloves (leather or thicker fabric works well). Wild Parsnip’s sap can cause burns and blistering similar to poison ivy when exposed to sunlight, so out of caution, long sleeves are required for this workday. We’ll be in a prairie, so any sun-protective clothing is recommended as well.