Race For Open Space

CLCF's Fox Hill Nature Preserve 4214 Sleeping Dragon Road, West Bend, Wisconsin, United States

Get outdoors and join CLCF in its 3rd Annual Race For Open Space 5K Run and Trail Walk, 10K Trail Run, and 1-mile Trail Walk...

Annual History Talk

West Bend Country Club 5858 Country Road Z, West Bend, Wisconsin, United States

History of Echo Point from Schleisingerville to Big Cedar Lake.Presented by Anita Hauske and Bill Kasten. Mark your calendars for CLCF's popular history presentation. Join...


Annual Meeting

Cedar Lodge at Cedar Community 4274 Learning Center Drive, West Bend, Wisconsin

Join us for CLCF’s Annual Meeting at the Cedar Lodge on the Cedar Community Campus to review a year of land conservation, stewardship efforts, outreach...

Winter Walk at the Rudorf Farm

The Rudorf Farm 5036 Division Rd, West Bend, Wisconsin

Join CLCF for a Winter Walk at the Rudorf Farm! Led by CLCF staff, this guided walk will explore the property’s history, unique features, and...

Snowshoe Shuffle and Chili Social

West Bend Country Club 5858 Country Road Z, West Bend, Wisconsin, United States

CLCF invites you to enjoy a family friendly afternoon and evening with luminaries on the beautiful mile-long winter trails at West Bend Country Club. Enjoy...


Winter Walk at the Joan M. Pick Nature Preserve

Joan M. Pick Nature Preserve 5975 County Road Z, West Bend, Wisconsin, United States

Join CLCF for a Winter Walk at the Joan M. Pick Nature Preserve! Led by CLCF staff, this guided walk will highlight the property’s rich...

Habitat Hike at the Water Spirits Preserve

Water Spirits 4601 Cedar View Dr, West Bend, Wisconsin

Join CLCF for a Habitat Hike at The Big Cedar Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District’s (BCLPRD’s) Water Spirits Preserve! Guided by CLCF staff, this walk...

Après Nordic Ski Social

CLCF Office 5975 County Road Z, West Bend, Wisconsin, United States

Hosted by Kine & John Torinus. Enjoy hearing Worldloppet experiences from Nordic Members who train at CLCF's Fox Hill Nature Preserve. The Worldloppet Ski Federation unites...

Habitat Hike at the Thoma Preserve

CLCF's Thoma Preserve Thoma Park Drive, West Bend, Wisconsin, United States

Join CLCF for a Habitat Hike at the Thoma Preserve! Guided by CLCF staff, this walk will lead you through the forest and prairie. Hear...

Stew Crew

For more information, contact CLCF Stewardship Coordinator, Sarah, at smoore@theclcf.org.